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K. A Stiver, P. Dierkes, M. Taborsky, and S. Balshine (2004)

Dispersal patterns and status change in a co-operatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher: evidence from microsatellite analyses and behavioural observations

Journal of Fish Biology, 65(1):91-105.

Genetic techniques and long-term behavioural observations were combined to investigate dispersal patterns and changes in social position in Neolamprologus pulcher, a co-operatively breeding cichlid from Lake Tanganyika. Comparisons of genetic variance (F-ST) across sub-populations demonstrated that fish were genetically more similar to individuals from proximate sub-populations compared to individuals from distant sub-populations. Microsatellite analyses revealed year-long philopatry for some individuals and that other individuals dispersed to new territories and sub-populations. Individuals appeared to disperse farther (across many territories in a sub-population or to new sub-populations) to achieve breeding status. Non-breeding group members (or helpers) were observed to inherit breeding positions and male breeders were replaced faster than female breeders. These results demonstrate that important and difficult to obtain life-history information can be obtained from genetic sampling. (C) 2004 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.

cichlidae genetics lake tanganyika lamprologines social dynamics biased dispersal natural-populations broodcare helpers lake malawi brown trout fish evolution conflict benefits fitness