Aneesh Bose Dr.
Postdoc Research Fellow
University of Graz, Austria
Graz , Austria A-8010
Past Research: Aneesh joined ABEL in September 2012 and studied offspring cannibalism and brood abandonment in the plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus. He investigated what selective factors that drive these behaviours, and what type of conditions that make these behaviours adaptive. His field-based work was in the intertidal zones of the Pacific Northwest. He received his B.Sc. in Marine and Freshwater Biology at the University of Guelph, where he worked with Dr. Beren Robinson to study autotomy as a defence mechanism in larval odonates. Aneesh is supported by an NSERC CGS.
Current Position: Aneesh is now a postdoc under the supervision of Dr. Kristina Sefc in Austria, where he continues to study mating systems and parental care. This upcoming summer, he will be moving to the University of Konstanz in Germany, to continue his postdoc with Dr. Alex Jordan, in the Jordan Lab at the Max Planck Institute for Collective Behaviour.