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Cody Dey Dr.

Cody  Dey, Dr.

Post-Doctoral Fellow for Environmental Research

University of Windsor

Semeniuk Lab of Predictive Ecology

401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor , Ontario N9B 3P4


Past Research: Cody studied dominance, communication and social structure in cooperatively breeding birds and fishes. He received his BSc. from the University of Ottawa where he worked with Drs. Steve Cooke and Katie Gilmour on parental care behaviour in smallmouth bass. He also did research on the reproductive skew, communication, and sociality in the cooperatively breeding Pukeko bird, Purphyrio purphyrio. He studied how communication systems and intersexual conflict influence social networks, dominance, hierarchies and reproductive sharing in this species.

Current Position: Currently, Dr. Dey is a Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellow at the Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research at the University of Windsor. His research uses quantitative approaches to understand the effect of changing environments on animal behaviour and population dynamics. He also conducts ecological field studies and has worked in New Zealand, Ontario, British Columbia and the Canadian Arctic. His research on climate change, predator-prey interactions, reproductive endocrinology, the evolution of ornamentation, and social behaviour, has been published in leading journals such as Nature, Proceedings of the Royal Society, Global Change Biology and Nature Ecology & Evolution. He is the editor of the angling science blog The Lab and Stream and also shares his own scientific results through videography.