John Fitzpatrick Dr.
Assistant Professor of Zoology
Stockholm University
Visiting Address: Svante Arrheniusväg 18 B Room D 5012b
Stockholm , Sweden SE-106 91
Past Research: At ABEL, Dr. Fitzpatrick studied sperm competition in fish. He was also involved in field research aimed at investigating the effects of ecological factors on the social dynamics in various groups of the cichlid species, Neolamprologus pulcher. He also investigated species introductions and extinctions, which focused specifically on the round goby, Neogobius melanostomus, an invasive species in the Canadian Great Lakes.
Current Position: Dr. Fitzpatrick was an Honorary Lecturer in Animal Evolution and a member of the Computational and Evolutionary Biology research group within the Faculty of Life Sciences at the University of Manchester.
He is now an Assistant Professor of Zoology at Stockholm University in Sweden, where he also oversees his own research lab. Dr. Fitzpatrick is an evolutionary biologist who specializes in studying sexual selection and the evolution of reproductive behaviours and traits. Research in his lab takes an interdisciplinary approach and investigates male-male competition before and after mating, the evolution of sexual weapons, female mate choice, trade-offs and co-evolutionary dynamics.