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Infidelity encourages faster sperm

By Claire Thomas
Cosmos Magazine
Promiscuous behaviour in female cichlid fish may have caused males to evolve speedier, bigger sperm, according to a new study.
Infidelity encourages faster sperm

Sex tricks: A cichlid Neolamprologus leleupi swimming in the southern shores of Africa's Lake Tanganyika. Credit: Sigal Balshine

LONDON: Promiscuous behaviour in female cichlid fish may have caused males to evolve speedier, bigger sperm, according to a new study.

When females shop around for sexual partners, sometimes mating with several at once, males must compete, said study co-author Niclas Kolm, an evolutionary biologist from the University of Uppsala in Sweden.

In this case, male fish that produce faster sperm have a better chance of beating rivals in the race to fertilise the few eggs that females lay.


Furthermore, Kolm and his co-workers found some of the fish produce sperm that have evolved to become larger, more numerous and more long-lived. These are a kind of “super-sperm”, said the researchers, who detail their findings this week in the U.S. journal theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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